
Checks if a condition is true or false.




Simply put, $checkCondition serves as a way to make a custom true or false statement. For example: $checkCondition[$username==Spen], the bot would return "true" if someone named Spen used the command, otherwise it would return "false". However this: $checkCondition[$username!=Spen], would return "false" if someone named Spen used the command, otherwise it would return "true".

Base Usage: $checkCondition[value1(sign)value2]

What's Sign? Replace (sign) with one of these.

  • == - Should be equal
  • != - Should be not equal
  • <- Should be less than (only numbers)
  • >- Should be greater than (only numbers)
  • >= - Should be greater than or equal to (only numbers)
  • <= - Should be less than or equal to (only numbers)

What Are Values?

The value is what the bot is checking. Like one of the examples above: $checkCondition[$username==Spen].

  • value1 is $username
  • sign is ==
  • value2 is Spen